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Image by NOAA

Academic & Professional Projects

Image Credits: NOAA



Modeling, Design and Development of a UAV/Glider Launch Platform


Image Credit: Kondratiuk, M.; Ambroziak, L. Design and Dynamics of Kinetic Launcher for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Many local application based aerial vehicles and unmanned systems are not capable of a traditional taxi to launch mechanism due to the weight constraints of any added landing gears needed in case, and hence certain assisted launch mechanisms are utilized. In this project, I was tasked with overseeing and designing of 1) A vehicle top launch mechanism, where the taxi operation would be conducted by the host vehicle and upon reaching desired speeds, launch would be initiated. 2) A catapult/Bungee launch mechanism, where the pulling force of the launching system would impart the necessary acceleration to achieve the desired speeds for launch.

Design and Development of a Fragmenting Warhead

Warheads are one of the greatest force in modern warfare, and therefore having the capability to not only implement but design such a system requires careful precision and high-fidelity highly dynamic modeling techniques. This project involved complete design and development including performance and lethality assessment of a fragmenting warhead.


Design and Performance Assessment of an SRM


An important Aspect of any launch vehicle that tends to carry its own fuel in total without external dependencies is an efficient propulsion system, comprised of an appropriate Rocket Motors. These Rocket engines are either liquid based on solid based. In this project, we analyzed the performance and addressed the design concern associated with a Solid-Rocket motor (SRM)

Design for Modeling and Control of Precision Guided System


Precision-guided systems represent a transformative advancement in modern warfare, markedly improving the accuracy and effectiveness of aerial and ground-based weaponry. Additionally, these systems provide a convenient approach for mission execution often restricted by manned constraints. This project involved the formulation and development of a modeling and control strategy for a small precision guided system, along with simulating and synthesizing of the desirable mission for completion of objective. 

Assessing Stability Characteristics and Control Requirements of a Loitering Munition UAV

As the world evolves, so does the technology aimed at improving quality of human life, and yet an equivalent improvement also takes place in armaments. Where only a few decades ago, operations like bomb drops were executed via manned Airplanes, now, these are executed through computer controlled Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) capable of engaging beyond line of sight targets more commonly referred to as Loitering Munitions.  This project comprises of analyzing and optimizing the stability characteristics of the UAV, in addition to developing suitable control and navigation strategies.



Design & Development of a Deployable Stealth UCAV


The one constant in the world is evolution, and technology is no exception. Similar to every other aspect of human life, warfare and combat is also being taken up by robots, with machines such as drones, UAVs etc. being capable of thinking for themselves. This project involves the conceptual design, performance analysis, stability analysis, development of control strategies along with mission synthesis.


Developing damage tolerance, preliminary analytical computation and analysis framework for aerospace structures.

Image by Daniel Eledut

Image Credit: Daniel Eledut

Damage Tolerance is a recent technique relevant to the Structural Integrity of critical structures in the field of Aeronautics and Astronautics; it refers to the capability of structures to sustain damage safely until repairs can be done, whilst in the presence of the apparent defect. This design approach is based on comprehensive familiarization with the concepts of fatigue, corrosion, and other potential failure modes, as well as of non-destructive inspection technique. This project was my Final Year Project during Bachelors, and in this project, an extensive software tool was constructed using Matrix Laboratory for accessing the structural strength and Fatigue life using principles of Linear-Elastic Fracture Mechanics

Conceptual Air Vehicle Design of a Subsonic Bomber Aircraft

Bomber aircrafts are normally larger, heavier, and less maneuvrable than fighter aircrafts. They can carry large payloads of bombs, cruise missiles, and occasionally torpedoes. Bombers are designed to attack targets either on ground or in sea, but they are not fast or agile enough to take on enemy fighters’ head-to-head. Generally, the bomber aircrafts are divided onto two categories. This project involved theoretical and analytical design of a subsonic bomber aircraft along with fundamental design optimization based on Thrust-Weight and Wing loading parameters.

Image by Anna Cavigioli

Image Credit: Anna Cavigioli

Development of Multirotor Decentralized drones for Cooperative Search


Image Credit: Alessio Sogetti

It is no surprise that drones are taking over most of the workforce in this modern age of technology owing to their portability, and dispensability. Traditionally, any system of multiple drones work on the principle of centralized authority, where each individual communications and obeys the commands of a ground or aerial centralized center. However, in this project, an unorthodox approach of decentralization is adopted for the purposes of giving each individual drone suitable authority for its own maneuvering, thus emancipating them from the restrictions of communication range to some degree. In this project, a novel algorithm for area searching via multiple decentralized swarm of drones is designed with the desirable output of efficiency relative to time and space in area coverage.

Disturbance Rejection Control System of an Automobile

Image by Thimo Pedersen

Image Credit: Thimo Pedersen

This is one of the first Engineering project I undertook as an Undergraduate student. It comprised of designing a moderately complex disturbance rejection model, where the plant was a simple four wheel vehicle, and the external disturbance was a road bump. The model was designed using the Matrix Laboratory and Simulink.

Design and Fabrication of an RC Plane

This project as part of an Introductory course involved designing, modelling and fabricating a Remote Controlled Plane. The plane was modeled using AUTOCAD, Laser cutted, and then fabricated out of Balsa Wood

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